Holiday Helper Program 2021

2021 has been another unprecedented year for many. Being amidst a global pandemic had been tough for everyone. We understand that the holiday season may be a tough one for many, for lots of reason. From social isolation to money being tight. 

Giving back has always been an incredibly important part of everything we do here at UpFront Cosmetics. Building our company around being able to give back was one of our core values from the beginning.

In 2019, we were able to  donate over 500$ worth of toys to our local foodbank through their Christmas angel program. Last year 2020, we were able to donate over 5000$ ! This year we are raising the bar and hoping to raise $10 000!


This year we are planning on breaking down our donations across multiple different organizations. We'll be releasing a list of places we'll be donating to soon once its all finalized.

For every single bar we sell, right through to Christmas, we will be donating 1$ of it to help purchase toys for kids that may not otherwise have any gifts this year. Help us make 2021 a little more bearable for families this year! 

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